Do you want more balance to your facial features or feel just a little more volume to your cheeks, chin, or jaw would really boost your self-esteem? Feel more positive about your appearance with facial implants by Adam J. Rubinstein, M.D., F.A.C.S., a board-certified plastic surgeon serving Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and other South Florida communities.What are Facial Implants?
Facial implants are synthetic implants used to change the contour of the face. Facial implants bring harmony and balance to the face by enhancing cheekbones, the chin, or the appearance of the jawline.
Can I Benefit From Facial Implants?
You may benefit from facial implants if you feel like a more pronounced chin, fuller jaw line or higher cheekbones would restore balance to your facial features. You may also benefit from facial implants if your feel less confident as a result of an unbalanced or sunken face.
What Facial Implant Options Can I Choose From?
The three common options for facial implants are cheek implants (cheek augmentation), chin implants and jaw implants (chin surgery).
Cheek implants, also called cheek augmentation, are made from silicone and either injected with a needle or fully inserted in a quick and simple outpatient procedure. Cheek implants provide added tone and definition to your cheekbones, further accentuating your natural beauty.
Chin surgery is a category of procedures that includes both jaw and chin implants. Made from either silicone or porous polyethylene, chin surgery provides reshapes the curve of your face to achieve the best facial proportion for all facial features. Dr. Rubinstein helps you decide which option is best for achieving your desired result during your consultation. You may even decide combinations of procedures, including other
facial surgery options are best.
What is the Facial Implant Procedure Like?
The procedure varies depending upon which implant is right for you. Most facial implant surgeries are completed in 30 minutes to two hours at Dr. Rubinstein’s Aventura outpatient office. You are given either partial or full general anesthesia prior to the procedure ensuring you do not feel any pain. Dr. Rubinstein makes tiny incisions either in the mouth or at the hairline, to guarantee minimal scarring and maximum discretion.
How Long Does Recovery Take?
Recovery from facial implants is usually very quick. Once the procedure is over, you may begin recovery in the comfort of your home. Bruising, swelling, and mild pain are a normal part of the healing process. Ice packs help with the bruising and swelling while pain medicine prescribed by Dr. Rubinstein make recovery a little more comfortable. You are able to return to five to seven days after surgery. Dr. Rubinstein provides further care instructions during your pre-surgical consultation.
What Does Facial Implant Surgery Cost in Miami, FL?
As an elective procedure, facial implants are generally not covered by medical insurance. Contact a helpful member of the office of Adam J. Rubinstein, M.D., F.A.C.S., to discover how your ideal self is in reach. In addition to accepting cash, personal check, credit cards, other convenient
financing options are available.
Are you ready to boost your confidence and self-image through cosmetic surgery? Contact the office of Adam J. Rubinstein, M.D., F.A.C.S., today to schedule a consultation and learn how you can enhance your natural facial contours.
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