Though cosmetic surgery and procedures are typically happy occasions that bring welcome improvements to one’s appearance, sometimes people find themselves in less than ideal situations. All too often, particularly in Miami, patients fall prey to people posing as medical professionals offering services that can seem like a bargain. In the end, it’s easy to get more than you bargained for!
Every week, patients come to see Dr. Rubinstein for corrective procedures to help reverse the damage done by poorly done surgery frequently performed by poorly trained (or possibly untrained) providers. Problems such as infections, terrible scars, painful internal scarring, and others can make daily life very difficult. Patients with insurance sometimes have a difficult time finding a doctor to help. Without insurance, corrective surgery can be very costly, thus making it out of reach for many patients dealing with these issues.
Inspired by his work correcting problems for patients with bad outcomes in the past, Dr. Rubinstein is launching “Turn the Page”, a program to help patients that lack the means to alleviate their suffering from a botched procedure or bad outcome. Dr. Rubinstein explains, “People just want to make a positive change in their life when they choose to have a procedure done. Over the years, I’ve been shocked at how common it is for patients to fall prey to these bad situations. I want to try and help one patient at a time get back to a normal life. That’s what ‘Turn the Page’ is all about.”
Through the “Turn the Page” program, patients can submit their stories for consideration. One patient will be chosen periodically to have their corrective surgery at no charge. If you or someone you know is suffering as a result of a poorly done procedure performed by someone that was not properly trained and licensed, please send the details to Select patients will be invited to come for a consultation with Dr. Rubinstein to discuss their case and possibly be chosen for the “Turn the Page” program.
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